nocode aerialist cryptic js intro-stego blackbox net-re scav-hunt radio

pwnies 1601618631117013845418432001

iroha2 2701618631150110011836200185

team_RDG 210161813115019701404620015

pTFS 19061563111401310140462001

5oapy5oapy 110168931185118752001

retired 160164131301384551462001

boozehackers 2016181311501100178461000

AutoBits 110613031150121281000

haeresy 11016130815011006961000

recryptic 110169581100148361001

decrement 7061303113001003007

graphyx 11016621103012025

TCP_Stacked 2019926150113401000

Neg9 106833115014783

Unoriginals 4731130044012681000

1048576 14011441115014442

KGBbear 11061217011113

sockmonkey 1714931105028261000

solo 701891115014402105

Fungi 10150311300

Sl33pE 90111031005741001

ArrBas 20113059501105035

teamgo 2016341100

Sebastian 10161916100

BobTheMan 20551118512843

Jerzey Kidz 1101963130153

asterisk 101155140117

wingnut 206893110046

disekt 17179811007136

poontangmstr 312313013

stas 694310

rob1356 10665300

dropsled 70174311002053

Cryptolingus 10040313001321

oxilite 206193501371

harveymorgue 2011531100405

ragla 2063413003

technodrome 2018561

tse 201142856

aeris 2069463003

The N00bs 1071123300805

avt 7014610100625

bandwidth 7121113001309

chee 2012661100494

Team-Hase 110121100777

null 20151311256

heybrother 2013461

foobar 1017111

mux 40506100100

SSS 1715031

strangebeer 205531250

OpenBackup 207165011290

bla 201501100

uas 648330025

David_Miller 413002050

BeerCDN 560300

Kate-o 10125300

noodlepole 111

L4M3R 7531100

lorsque 7581

Ev0Mish 103431100

itsgr 71175350

netskink 23628

hottrouble 10112315

hackucf 20343341

happytoget 1041

puma 201228

cheapbastrd$ 61

ppp2 2022851

dudes 20221

BestMX 20221

TreieFiddey 331670

jgor 105313

faz 10241

FuckYou 11711001

airpost 1031303

jimego 20168

sw1tch 631

lazy_cheetah 71211

beigetoaster 1015117

sandpwnie 717


sover 31

jay 2864

(3-12 chars) 28

midgetTits 206

Team 712

sexhurt 209

adh4wk 161270

4p0110_14 1

LargePox 174

Leibnix 10

p3dantic 10

toejough 103

MrAssBurgers 1011


Fullpint 10

gt; 10

catatonic 81

baldgeek2 7

Baldgeek 6

fas 6

KernelJay 3

micsha 3

Lunin 3

spectre 450

SpaceDuck 21

nadazero 357

Spedione 2

kryptina 2

bins&beers 110

hoo 1

foo 1

a\08\n\r\3c" 1

gt; 1

foo%3c 1

jef 1

dsafdsaf 1

Fletch 1

agt; 1

hooԹroo 1

isotopes 110

bigmig 13

ibexthefish 1

chunkz 1

Project 2

A CTF for people with limited time/patience/self-confidence.

Plug in ethernet at this table, download puzzles, go think.

Use the terminal to claim points when you've figured something out.